Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It's always 70 and sunny in Pullman, WA!

  One of the deans of our Vet school used to always say, "It's always 70 and sunny in Manhattan, KS!" Obviously he missed the summer days that were frequently between 105-109 degrees, the spring and autumn storms, and the frigid, windy winters.I'm sure there were some days that were 70 and sunny...but they were few and far between.

  In Pullman, WA however, it is frequently 70 and sunny! This week has been bright and beautiful. Every day has been warm in the sun, cool in the shade and sunny (except for an early morning rain storm). I have been spending some time outside, but unfortunately the majority of my time has been spent inside doing a multitude of things from job searching to cooking to volunteering. My main ventures out of doors have been to walk to the vet school to volunteer.

  Now before you start thinking I am being an excellent person by not driving to school, there is actually quite another reason I have resigned myself to walking to volunteer. Over the summer we had a parking pass that a departing intern gifted to us. Unfortunately school has started up again, which means new parking passes. Max and I were planning on getting one until we realized the cheapest passes were $215.00. Since we are still battling the insurance company payments, we decided that for the time being it is best to hold off. While this will most likely continue through the fall, I'm not sure how we will fare in winter.

  It's really hard to believe school is back in session. Aside from a little more traffic and students waiting at the bus stops, things aren't that different. There was a football game last night and we couldn't even tell! After living across from the stadium in Manhattan for four years, it was amazing to know there was a game going on and that we were still able to live our lives normally.

  Last night was a little difficult. Max didn't get off work until around 7:00. I waited for him in the intern office for 2 hours because I wanted to walk home together. On our way home we discussed me trying to lose weight and our Internet troubles, because I have been really frustrated about both of those things lately. By the time we got home I was quite depressed. Max got on the phone with our ISP and got the Internet functioning again. Then because I was down and out we decided to make pizza for dinner and headed to the store. We gathered the ingredients and Max surprised me by buying turkey pepperoni, which tastes just as good but has half the calories of regular pepperoni! He made our pizza, which was delicious, and then we spent the rest of the evening relaxing.

  This morning I got up and felt pretty good. The sun is shining, I have things to do, and I feel a little better about life in general. Everything will work out, and I am very blessed to have such a wonderful husband to help me get through the day!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Walks with Dolly and life without Max

 Yesterday was a pretty good day. Max was actually home! Dolly and I got to spend almost a full 24 hours in his company! It was splendid. To celebrate we went for a long walk. Dolly was very excited. I have been letting her off her leash on some of the paths because no one else is ever really on them. Because of that she has been getting quite adventurous and walking into the shallower areas of the river.

  As we approached her favorite place along the river the other day she got really excited. She was running all over, barking, trying to play with us and causing general mayhem. Max and I found a way to get across the narrower area of the river and over to a little niche in the shore that had all sorts of cool rocks and pools. Dolly was hesitant to come over, but after Max showed her how, she got even more excited. So excited that she jumped into a very deep pool of water, which she had assumed was shallow.

  It almost took no time at all. One minute Dolly was flying through the air, there was a terrific splash, a flash of horror across her face and then she shot out of the water to dry land. For a moment Max and I just gaped. Dolly ran far away from the pool, shook herself thoroughly and stood looking embarrassed and mildly wounded.

  Of course Max and I could not contain our laughter, and I think Dolly was a little upset with us for that. We began to try to coax her back to the other side, but of course now she didn't want to go anywhere near the water. Max finally was able to escort her over to the other side, and Dolly walked up the hill, signifying she was done for the day. Poor Dolly.

Walk now? Walk now? Walk now?
  Anyways, this morning Max is back at work. It was hard to get him to go. He has been on overnights for 2 weeks with no breaks and now he has to work days this weekend. Yuck. I was really hoping to go to the farmers market, but alas I have no money with which to go, so I am staying at home instead.

  I have plenty to do here, so no worries about that. What I really need though is Max to be home. Everything is so much better when he is around. He really is quite the ideal husband. He cleans when I don't ask, makes dinner for us, does dishes, folds laundry, takes Dolly out. Even when he is really tired and just wants to relax. I have been trying to come up with ways to help make his life less monotonous, but having just finished my own bout of depression I am still working on getting my inspiration back.

  Aside from doing things, it's just nice to have Max around. It gets pretty lonely here with Dolly sleeping most of the day. Even with distractions when the house is quiet it gets difficult to stay motivated. Luckily we will soon be in Seattle, which will give me all sorts of exciting things to do for awhile. For two weeks Max will be at a critical care doctor learning the secrets of emergency medicine. While I wish I could join him in the learning process I think I will have lots of fun stuff to do while he is busy.

Soo sleepy...hate overnight shifts....Zzzzzz...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Getting back into the swing of things.

  Today was a pseudo normal day for me. After being in L.A. for a week I have been a little off in my habits and schedule. It's really amazing how quickly my mind can delete its old routine.

  I actually worked out today. It was HARD. The past few days I have felt like...well.... you know the movie A Christmas Story? Remember the part where Randy gets all bundles up for school and then gets pushed in the snow and can't get up? Yeah. That has been me. Blehh. Another good example would be Danger (pre-diet). Danger used to be quite sleepy, except when asking for food (Of course now he is a new cat (thanks to Jenna's persistence). I unfourtunately do not have Jenna to motivate me. Today however, I finally made myself get up and work 9:00 P.M. It was worth it.

"Buhh. Exercise...what?
   Tomorrow I really have to take Dolly on a real walk. She is bored beyond belief. It doesn't help that we ran out of bones for her so basically all she does is eat, sleep, and look at us mournfully. She is most excited when Max gets home, and by she I mean we. Luckily tomorrow he starts his 3 days off of work. Hooray!

  So aside from exercising I did volunteer today in Exotics. It was really great! I learned how to restrain and train a barn owl, I did physical therapy on a red tailed hawk, and I got to see a very suspicious snowy owl. I also got to care for the baby screech owls all by myself! It was amazing! They are really simple things, but they are things I have never done and have wanted to for a long time so I was thrilled!

A Barn Owl via Wikipedia

  Nothing on the job front yet. I have a list of places to call, but all of them are far from Pullman. This past week has reinforced the idea that I need gainful employment. Max and I are really struggling to make ends meet. Luckily we have kind, loving parents that are here to help us.

  What excitement does the weekend hold? Well this is the weekend of the Lentil festival. Tomorrow there will be music and "little lentils", a parade and a giant pot of lentil stew. Hopefully Max and I can get some good pictures to share.

A Snowy Owl via Wikipedia...again.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back in Pullman, WA!!!

  I'm finally back in Pullman! Dolly and Max are both happy, and none the worse for wear. It was nice to be out and about for awhile, but I am definitely glad to be home. The major lesson I learned on this trip is that I never, ever, ever, ever want to live in Southern, CA. Joey likes it, but I really can't stand the heat, environment, or the cost!
  Finding an apartment for Joey was relatively easy, it was getting all of the money stuff straight with the people in the office that took up most of our time. You would think that they would put everything on one paper so that we could pay them straight up, but there was a lot of, "Ok now we need this much for the security deposit", and then "Oh, we also need this much to hold the apartment". They had to ask for more money yesterday because they gave hime the wrong amount for the security deposit. All of that was difficult, but the worst part was that they would only accept money orders! That meant every time we needed more money we would have to visit an ATM and then a store to get the order. Oi.
  Aside from visiting apartments we also went to the L.A. Zoo!!! It was the best part of the trip! Aside from spending time with Joey of course. Sadly the animal I wanted to see the most (the prehensile tailed porcupine) was off exhibit.
The prehensile tailed porcupine at the Kansas City Zoo.

  Anyways, aside from seeing the zoo I also saw a lot of different animation studios. Joey lives really close to Warner Bothers, Disney, the Hub, and Starz. It was strange seeing the studios and thinking that so many cool shows and movies have come from such nondescript places. It certainly put me in a movie watching mood. Right now I am watching The Princess and the Frog. I wanted to watch Pocahontas, but sadly I don't own that movie...maybe it can go on the Christmas list.
  I feel like I appreciate the movies from my childhood a lot more now that I am older. I can actually follow the stories and understand the plots, plus I can sing the songs! I just wish Max was here to watch them with me.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Favorites

Well I am in L.A. right now, but it hasn't really been a vacation. I am trying to help my brother find an apartment by Monday...which is very difficult when you are trying to find something under $700.00 a month with all utilities paid. Luckily we have 2 options and are going to see one today as well. So here is hoping he can make a decision today.

Yesterday we went to the zoo! The animal I wanted to see the most was off exhibit. :( Most of the animals were sleeping or indoors because it was so hot, but we saw a lot of them. Joey even managed to draw some.

Since I don't have much to say, an it has been awhile since I posted anything, I'm just going to post some of my favorite things I have found online and call it a day.
Green dress from

Owl necklace from BirdzNbeez on etsy ($26.00)

Xio Long Bao by Steamy Kitchen Food Blog. These are a delicious traditional food from Asia. I'm still hoping to get some while I am in L.A.

A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. These books make always surprise me. I think I know what is going to happen and then it does...but then there is something else beneath it that is totally unexpected!

A funny and accurate comic about living with cats! I love Yasmin's art and her personality.

Friday, August 3, 2012

On my way East

  I am headed East for my Aunt Suzy's memorial service today. This morning I said goodbye to Pullman, Max, and Dolly and took off into the sky. We had an interesting morning flight. The flight attendants were really funny and friendly! I sat across the aisle from the girls basketball coach for Idaho State and a very grumpy old man, who insisted he be moved because there were too many people coughing in the middle of the plane. I don't think the coach minded that he left.
  We passed Mt. Rainer on the way into Seattle. I could see a bit of it but I was in the aisle seat so I had to crane my neck to see. One of my rules of traveling is to always get the aisle seat. It's so much easier to get up and use the bathroom, and you don't have to feel guilty about waking the person next to you to get out if they happen to be asleep. My other rules are:

  • Wear comfortable clothes in layers: Planes can go from hot to cold in a heartbeat, and if your stuck in airports all day you deserve to be comfy while you wait or run for your flight.
  • Bring your own food: Airport food is expensive! If you've already paid hundreds of dollars for a flight do you really need to pay $15.00 for a sandwich or $5.00 for a cup of yogurt? No way! I usually pack granola or protein bars that I can use as meal replacements. Many people also bring fruit, crackers, or trail mix as well. I also usually save my airplane snacks if I don't eat them. That way I don't exhaust my food supply
  • Get a (temporary) water bottle: After I go through security I usually buy a pop or some water, and refill it with water from the drinking fountains in the terminal as needed. This way I can stay hydrated without buying more water or relying on the tiny cups they give you on the flight. Tiny cups do not a hydrated person make.
  • Keep important things easily accessible: This goes for before and after security! If you hold up 20 people for 10 minutes while you dig through your pocket for you boarding pass and ID, then have to dig out your laptop and phone, then take off your shoes, then get bleeped by the metal detector because in your haste you forgot your watch, belt, manacles, whatever! Do you really think you are going to avoid a cavity search? I don't think so. And if you are late for your gate because of said cavity search, and then have to dig through your stuff again for the boarding passes that you so hurriedly jammed back in your stuff, and make the plane late, well, I won't tell you what happens then.     Keep your ID and boarding passes in one easily accessible place. Avoid wearing or keeping a bunch of metallic stuff on your person (I'm looking at you, man with 20 lbs. of loose change in your pockets!). Don't pile stuff on top of your lap top or phone so you can't get them out easily, and wear comfy shoes you can get on and off quickly. This way you can keep yourself and everybody else happy!
There you go! Five tips for happy traveling. Don't you feel so much better about your future trips? ;)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Top 10 fun things to do in Pullman, WA and Moscow, ID

Number 10: Explore the Art of the WSU Campus
  Washington State has art around every corner. There are displays in the buildings and on the grounds. If you have time there is a cell phone tour that you can take. Basically you walk around campus and can listen to information on various pieces through your phone. Snazzy. In addition they also have an art museum! This summer they are featuring works from a local artist, who has painted a very popular mural down town. The museum is open most days of the week from 10-4 and changes exhibits frequently.

Number 9: Take in a Show
  The local civic theaters in Pullman and Moscow are always busy. Every month or so a new show will come out. Recently they performed the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Oliver is coming in August and The Importance of Being Ernest soon after. Tickets are $12-$15 at the door, and you can feel refined and cultured all day long.
  If you'd rather see a movie there is a dollar theater in Moscow. They show new releases about a month after they first come out. There are usually movies for all ages, so it's a good place to go if you need a cheap date night or entertainment for kids.

Number 8: The Lentil Festival (
  This year the Lentil Festival is August 17th and 18th! It may sound strange, but in this area of Washington and Idaho they grow about 25% of the lentils in the United States. The festival is a great opportunity to sample food and beverages from local vendors. One of the favorite activities is sampling the lentil chili that is made in a giant (they have to climb a ladder to stir it!) pot, and given away for free.  There is also a street fair, fun run, and beer vs. wine tasting event. Great Washington weather and live music add the perfect backdrop to the annual festivities.

Number 7: The Appaloosa Museum (
  Do you like horses? Maybe? Well you should! Like people horses come in all shapes, sizes and personalities. Some are angry at the world, but some are kind, old softies that can cheer you up when you are down. Horses have been pretty depicted by various cultures throughout history. However, it was the Nez Perce Indians of the Pacific Northwest that helped make the Appaloosa into what it is today. You can learn all about the history of the American Appaloosa breed in Moscow, ID.

Number 6: Support Local Growers
  I love farmer's markets, and both Pullman and Moscow have a variety of vendors at their markets. While Pullman's market is small, there is always a variety of produce and baked goods, not to mention wonderful people to talk to. The Pullman Market convenes every Wednesday, from June to October, from 3:30-6:00 pm between the Spot Shop and Swilly's.
  The Moscow farmer's market is quite a bit bigger than Pullman's. It convenes every Saturday, May to October, from 9:30 am-1:00 pm off of Main street. This market has everything! Aside from locally grown produce and baked goods, there is pottery, jewelry and clothes. If your looking for breakfast or lunch they have Hispanic, Filipino, Egyptian and Greek food. If your looking for something sweet you can find cookies, locally made ice cream, and hot, fresh mini donuts sprinkled with your choice of seasoned sugar. As you browse there is live music for you to enjoy from both professional and local musicians, always entertaining. Overall the markets are great, and shouldn't be missed!

Number 5: Sample the Local Cuisine
 There isn't enough time to go through all of the delicious and interesting restaurants between Pullman and Moscow. Suffice it to say that there are enough options to keep everyone happy. Whether you are looking for a $40.00 dinner of quail (Swilly's in Pullman) or a tasty bagel sandwich on the go (Moscow Deli and Bagel). There are definitely options for everybody.

  Here are my personal favorites so far (if your interested...but I have many more places to left to eat):
  •   Red Bento Sushi (Pullman and Moscow): Tasty and cheap compared to places in the Midwest!
  • The Old European Breakfast Restaurant (Pullman): Best bacon in town! Dutch babies and aebleskivers! (If you've never had either of these you should try them immediately!)
  • The Moscow Food Co-op (Moscow): Delicious sandwiches and deli food, relatively healthy too!
Number 4: Wine and Beer Tasting
  The Camas Prarie Winery ( is tucked away on Main street in Moscow, ID. It is quiet and refined, but not so fancy you can't walk in in casual clothes on a hot day for some refreshment. The best part of a trip here is the tasting. You can taste 5 of their wines for just $1.00! Woohoo! When your done tasting you can grab a glass of your favorite and stick around to enjoy music or just the local color.
  The Wawawai Canyon Winery ( is a small but interesting winery between Pullman and Moscow. They believe in sustainability and use turkeys and sheep in their viticulture endeavors! The turkeys eat the pests...not quite sure what the sheep do, other than add to the picturesque pastoral  atmosphere. But it gives you the opportunity to feel sanctimonious as you sip your environmentally friendly wine.
  Merry Cellars Winery ( is a great place to spend a lazy afternoon or evening. They use a minimalist approach to wine making, and have a wide variety of wines for every occasion. In addition they have a schedule of events that includes everything from music to tastings and competitions. If you like wine you should definitely check them out.
  The Palous Falls Brewing company ( is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with in Washington. Most of their selections are named after local mascots and heroes. They have a relatively large tasting room and great hours of operation, making them highly accessible to locals and tourists. (Helpful Hint: You can stay in a really nice hotel that is a 5 minute walk from the brewery!)
  If your looking for some tasty food while you enjoy your ale, stout, IPA, whatever! You should definitely check out the Paradise Creek Brewery! ( If you're the kind that likes gourmet burgers, pulled pork nachos, or awe inspiring grill food this is definitely a place to stop.

Number 3: WSU Grizzly Bear Research Center 
  Interested in wildlife, conservation, animals? You should definitely check out the Grizzly bears at WSU. All the bears are unreleasable, either because they are too tame or they have physical limitations.There are usually between 8-10 bears there at any time. Aside from playing outside (they have a large enclosed area as well as individual dens), eating, and bathing, they also provide a wealth of information for research. The bears help both people and animals by participating in studies about everything from behavior to cardiology.

   I have been to see the bears many times, and there are always people there watching them. The bears are relatively active throughout the day, so there are usually some good photo ops. In addition, the people who work there are very nice and are usually willing to answer your questions (please don't interrupt them if they are doing training exercises with the animals). If you are in Pullman you should definitely visit the Grizzly bears!

Number 2: Cowgirl Chocolates (
  Yeeeowww! Cowgirl chocolates is an awesome place to visit! Tucked in a small nondescript building off of the main drag through Moscow, this unassuming front hides some of the most highly awarded chocolate in the United States! Why Cowgirl chocolates? Because Cowgirls are tough, independent and hot. Cowgirl chocolates is the premier home of spicy chocolate in the modern world. Although spicy chocolate has a strong following now, when Cowgirl chocolates started people thought the owner, Marilyn Lysohir, was crazy for putting chili pepper in chocolate and habaneros in caramel. Now, with at least 16 awards and multiple features in publications around the country, people can't seem to get enough of Cowgirl chocolate.

  Spicy not your thing? No worries! They have mild and sassy versions that aren't as hot. They also have more exotic flavors like lavender, ginger, and cappuccino. First time visitors to the store get a free sample, and the people there are wonderful, friendly and helpful. We met Marilyn herself when we were there, and she was absolutely fabulous. Sweet and fiery all wrapped up in one little lady! So if your in the area, definitely check out this hot spot.

Number1: The Great Outdoors
   To me the best part of the Pacific Northwest is the great outdoors. Around Pullman and Moscow there are trails for walking, biking, skating, you name it! The Bill Chipman Trail provides easy, casual activity and winds through cities, parks and countryside for many miles. If your looking for more rugged adventures you can drive over to Moscow Mountain and hike or bike the trails. There are also several state parks in the area that provide a wonderful view of the Palouse area. Many paths follow rivers and streams, and are intermittently shaded (The Chipman trail has little shade and is very hot in the middle of the day.), making them quite comfortable. 
  Another  great aspect of the trails is the wildlife. Washington has an abundance of wild raptors that can be seen and photographed while you are out and about. Song birds, mockingbirds, and quail can also be found in abundance. Mammals are mostly the usual muskrat, rabbits, and squirrels. However, in more wild areas moose, mountain lions and bears are seen regularly.
 There are many other activities you can participate in if you visit the Palouse. As usual it is important to be careful and consider the variables for each activities appropriateness (i.e. Right now it gets quite hot in the afternoon. Bring water, sunscreen, etc. No dogs!). However, I highly encourage everyone to come to Washington and Idaho and spend some time doing their favorite outdoor activity!