Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Looking for Jobs is Depressing.

Well actually it sucks! I went through 42 pages of jobs online today and only one of them, in Tennessee,  was willing to take on a new graduate. What made it worse was that there were plenty of jobs for exotics specialists,technicians, and zoo keepers but nothing for someone like me. Needless to say now I feel thoroughly defeated once more. I don't really know what to do, and Max and I are in dire financial straights. Last night we were reviewing our budget to see if we could cut back anyplace, and came up with a big negatory. Most of our expenditures are due to insurance, rent, and diabetes supplies. Oh, and food. I have been trying to use recipes that are healthy and low cost, but it doesn't seem to help. We only eat out once a week, and Max was quite adamant that we not cut out date nights.

With all the bills I am wondering if I should just get a job at a restaurant or something...but then again I don't really have any experience in that. So I am basically stuck.What should I do? Any ideas, anyone?

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday without Max

Once again I am spending the day alone... plus Dolly. I have gotten used to spending the week without Max, the hardest part is when he isn't home on the weekends. Then my brain has to wrap around the fact that it feels like another week day, when it isn't.

This morning I was so depressed and sleepy and it was all I could do to pull myself out of bed. The thought of  mustering the energy to make Max breakfast and pack his lunch seemed monumental. Never the less, it got done. After driving Max to work I came back to find Dolly asleep on the bed. Which meant I needed to find a way to fill 2 hours before driving to Moscow, ID for my prescription. Of course Batman saved me.

Batman has been a really fun game! Max and I finished the story line a while ago, but we still have to solve all of the riddles. I spent a good portion of the morning running around, finding trophies, and solving puzzles. Then I got stuck in a building....and gave up.

On my way back from Moscow I began brainstorming ideas for the blog. I thought about doing the top ten things to do in Pullman, WA...but realized that most people don't think of going to Wal-Mart as a really fun thing to do.

Between Pullman and Moscow there are ten though! So on Monday that will be the post! The rest of today I have to clean the house and prepare for dinner tonight. We are having tofu tacos (Yes I can see everyone's noses crinkling in disgust) and watching a Korean TV show I found at the library (Dae Jang Geum). You can read about it on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dae_Jang_Geum.

The Beginning...again.

Hi everyone! I've started blogging again. Hooray! If you're wondering what happened to the old blog, well....it's a sad story. Unfortunately it was connected to my old K-State email account. So when we graduated I lost the ability to get my password back. My first blog is now a ghost blog. That's ok, though. Honestly there were a lot of sad/depressing things in it that are better off left to the ghosts of the internet. My goal is for this blog to be a place for me. Max and I want to begin recording our cooking projects online as well...hopefully, soon. So until then I will be setting up this blog, tweaking it to near perfection.